
Have you ever wondered about the celestial signs mentioned in the book of Revelation? In particular, the intriguing passage in Revelation 12 that involves a woman, a dragon, and various astronomical elements has captured the attention of many. People have speculated about its connection to the birth of YHWShA (Jesus). Join me as we explore the astronomical context and literary significance of Revelation 12, and delve into the possible date and meaning of this celestial event.

The Celestial Sign in Revelation 12

Let's begin by understanding the celestial sign described in Revelation 12. This captivating passage features a woman, the sun, the moon, and a dragon. Scholars have proposed different constellations as candidates for the dragon, such as Hydra or ancient Scorpio. The woman is associated with the constellation Virgo, while the sun and moon are positioned in specific locations relative to her. Together, these elements create a unique and awe-inspiring configuration in the sky.

The Lion of Judah and Regulus

Now, let's turn our attention to the constellation Leo, symbolizing the tribe of Judah, above the head of Virgo. Leo holds a special significance as it was traditionally associated with royalty and considered the chief sign of the zodiac. Within Leo, the star Regulus, known as the "King Star," reigns supreme, further reinforcing the connection to royalty. The presence of Leo and Regulus in the celestial sign carries profound implications for both Jews and Gentiles.

Jupiter and the Conjunction with Regulus

Enter Jupiter, the largest wandering star in the night sky and considered the "King Planet" in ancient celestial divination. During the period under examination, Jupiter and Regulus experienced a conjunction within Leo. This remarkable alignment of the King Planet and the King Star within the constellation associated with the Lion of Judah cannot be overlooked. Some astronomers propose that this conjunction may account for the "star" mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, guiding the Magi to the birthplace of YHWShA.

The Significance of September 11, 3 B.C.

Let's explore the date that emerges when we carefully analyze the astronomical data. Based on astronomical reconstructions, September 11, 3 B.C., stands out as a potential date for the birth of YHWShA. Notably, this date corresponds with the Day of Trumpets (Rosh Ha-shanah) in the Jewish calendar. The Day of Trumpets marked the beginning of the Jewish new year and held deep associations with the hope of God's ultimate kingship, judgment, and restoration.


In conclusion, the celestial sign described in Revelation 12 holds immense significance regarding the birth of YHWShA. The alignment of constellations, the conjunction of Jupiter and Regulus, and the timing of the event on the Day of Trumpets all contribute to the extraordinary nature of this celestial phenomenon. While further research and exploration are necessary, these findings shed light on the intricate connections between astronomy, theology, and the birth of the Messiah.

It's important to note that while this approach provides an intriguing perspective on the possible date of YHWShA's birth, it is essential to exercise caution in firmly asserting a specific theory or interpretation. The Book of Revelation is a complex text, and certainty about the exact date should be approached with humility. As believers, it is crucial to remain open to different opinions while maintaining a hunger for truth and avoiding complacency in our theology.

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Archivist Eddard Valthorne
Writer, Babel Report

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