The Diverse Tapestry of Christian Denominations

Christianity today is a diverse and complex landscape, with numerous denominations that have emerged over the centuries. While these denominations may differ in their beliefs and practices, many can trace their roots back to the Catholic Church. Whether they identify as Protestants or follow a different path, they all share a common ancestry. However, beneath the surface, there is an unadulterated thread of truth that can be discovered by those who are hungry enough to step away from the pew and engage in personal study. This truth can be traced back to the first century and even further, to the promise made to Abraham. It is findable for those who are willing to seek it diligently.

Balancing Guidance & Empowerment

One interesting aspect of denominations is the presence of figureheads such as pastors or bishops. While these leaders play a crucial role in guiding their respective communities, there can be unintended consequences. Sometimes, their prominent position can unintentionally elevate them to a status where their followers feel the need to seek their permission for basic decisions or to fully live out their purpose. This dynamic can become problematic and even dangerous.

Seeking Truth in Christian Denominations

Within the vast array of Christian denominations, each with its own distinct identity, it is possible to find fragments of truth. Take, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses, who focus on the name of the Father. While one may not agree with their specific pronunciation or interpretation, their intention of seeking a deeper understanding is commendable. Similarly, the United Pentecostals or Apostolics emphasize being baptized in the name of Jesus, drawing inspiration from Acts 2:38. These aspects of their beliefs align with biblical teachings.

However, it is crucial to recognize that the name "Jesus" as we know it today did not exist until the 1520s. This historical fact sheds light on the evolving nature of denominations and their beliefs. Often, denominations begin with genuine intentions and a fervent passion for truth. As they grow and discover new insights through their spiritual hunger and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, complacency can set in. They may start to believe that they have already found the ultimate truth and that others can only be saved if they adhere to their specific doctrines.

The Sacred Essence: Beyond Buildings, Uniting Believers

This lack of openness to other perspectives can hinder further growth and understanding. It is essential for individuals within organized churches to realize that the true essence of the church lies not in a physical building or location but in the gathering of two or three people in the name of YHWShA. The church is the people, and each individual's body serves as a sacred temple of YHWH, akin to the Tabernacle in the wilderness or Solomon's temple.

The Sacred Essence: Liberating Faith from Structures

When we refer to the "church" in the modern sense, we often mean the physical structure with four walls. However, it is crucial to remember that this building is not inherently sacred. It is merely a structure, no different from any other building. The true sanctity lies within each believer, as they are the living embodiment of Alohiym. Understanding this distinction can help individuals break free from the constraints of organized religion and embrace a more personal and authentic relationship with their faith.


In conclusion, the journey of Christianity is ever-evolving for both the collective and individuals within the church. Denominations, with their diverse beliefs and practices, contribute to this journey. It is crucial to maintain an open mind, continuously seek truth, and avoid becoming complacent in our understanding.

We must remember that the essence of the church resides within each of us, and our personal connection to the divine allows for spiritual growth and fulfillment. As we pursue truth, it is important to be discerning and test all things, especially those who claim to be spiritual guides. There are individuals who prey on the spiritually hungry, seeking to exploit their time, resources, and relationships. By reading the Bible for ourselves and seeking direct guidance from Alohiym and YHWShA, we can navigate the complexities of religious structures and traditions. It is essential to conduct our own research and approach our faith with an open heart and mind.

As Matthew 7:7-8 says: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

May you be blessed on your journey of seeking truth.

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Archivist Eddard Valthorne
Writer, Babel Report

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